Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are You and Your Family Prepared?

How to Survive Without Water
Survival Lesson 101

In the wake of the New Orleans catastrophe, which harshly stretched out before the world, I realized that most everyone who lived in the United States have no inkling about how they would survive, for a duration of time, without food and water. In my humble opinion, most people have carelessly thought themselves excused from this sort of disaster as they've only casually observed the obliteration caused by these disasters in the news. I also think that most Americans have held this unspoken sense of protection that the "mighty" U.S.A. will protect us from such a tragedy. Do we NOW have a clear understanding that we all need to wake up and school ourselves so we can become caught up in a course of action of finding solutions to the huge number of problems facing the U.S. today, as well as disaster issues we are sure to face in the future?

Is it Time to Convey the Problems Back to the People?

As a country, we've been warned for decades about world changes. From geophysicists and geologists to seismologists and prehistoric cultures, many have openly voiced their worries over and over, yet, for the most part people seemed to have disregarded all the forewarnings, maybe the out of sight, and out of mind way of thinking is still a very strong manner of thinking with most.

In recent times, a number of questions have crossed my mind. "Did anyone in authority, in any way, teach survival techniques to those people they came across in New Orleans? Not once did I hear or read about anything directly linked to this question. Maybe this information was held back. If the news media could get into New Orleans early on, why weren't they enlightening those individuals they came across? Was it because they were not educated in survival skills? Why didn't they think to try to find experts to support in this effort? How about our armed forces, which may depend on survival proficiency if they are called to duty? Not to mention the local law enforcement and/or local and national management representatives? Was it that all the official groups couldn't get past the shock of devastation and were weighed down? There were thousands congregated at the Super Dome, waiting powerlessly. Could one or more vital survival skills have helped those in waiting? Again, maybe it was set up, but held close.

I'm also alert to the fact we can all go on and on about what should have been done and what could have been done. To blame others, at this point, doesn't solve a thing, nor amend the appalling truth of ONE of the most seemingly horrific U.S. catastrophes in the last hundred years. Out of disaster, there are superb occasions for vital modifications waiting. It's no secret that mammoth shoring up and community construction will be needed and essential in the next few years, as more immense regional changes will continue to unfold.

Some time ago I read a book which had an impact on my course. I've suggested the book "Mutant Message Down Under", by Marlow Morgan to associates, through the years. Mutant Message Down Under showed a few survival talents the Aborigines taught Marlow's female character on a walkabout, in Australia. Months into the walkabout, there were days without water. The Aborigines were adapted to this situation, but Marlo, the mutant (they called her which is any human other than an Aborigine), was not. At one point, Marlow had the notion that she would die, as the hot and dry desert didn't let up. She was brutally parched and sunburned, her bare feet scorched and raw. As the chronicle discloses, the group unrelentingly continued to walk but nothing was said as their main communication throughout the total passage was by psychic means. The shortage of water was only a small part of this survival lesson.

At one significant point in time, our character could, at last, read an elder's thoughts, "Put a rock in your mouth". Something so easy and accessible, perhaps for many of Katrina's citizens, who waited days upon days for water to arrive may have profited from this unproblematic teaching. How many in our inhabitants know about the rock/pebble method? I've heard this pebble theory a few other times. One day, I thought to go out and ask others. One good friend knew of this teaching but no other person, I spoke to relating to this concept, had a clue of this lifesaving technique. All drew a blank, but were inquisitive and very interested in knowing more. The rock/pebble in fact arouses the saliva to regenerate. It is also known that the earth's rocks carry nutrients and minerals.

Primitive Survival Techniques

If you are ever unlucky enough to find yourself in a calamity where clean water is no longer available, you can dispel some of the galling symptoms of thirst. Merely find "a quartz type pebble" and put it in your dehydrated mouth. Sucking on this pebble will stimulate your salivary glands and ease the continuous reminder of your thirst.

This is a simple survival method when water is unavailable. It is NOT a substitution or replacement for water; it will keep you sensible and extend your propensity to seek water. The fact remains that an individual can only survive a small amount of time without water before surrendering to total dehydration but a pebble, which holds minerals, in the mouth may help for a short time.

Urine Survival

There's another survival gift most individuals would have difficulty with and would not stoop down to--- urine drinking for survival. Several years ago, I read at length on the benefits of urine survival or as some call it urine therapy.

Urine therapy has been used for hundreds of generations and is still very common in India and Europe as a remedy for many ailments. It's also a survival method to help one destitute for water. Urine is full of certain nutrients the body does not use. One needs to research the short procedures, which are quite simple. A friend, from India, who has used this technique and talked about this ancient survival method as we watched the Katrina crisis unfold, was confident that most people in the U.S. would be too apprehensive to try this life saving technique. Big mistake.

Important Questions to ask Ourselves.

We all need to learn crucial survival skills. It's also our responsibility to teach our country's children who lean on us for direction and survival. And, is it fair to say, we cannot depend upon or expect our government to handle the endless issues that face and will persist to face us in the future. To me, the requirements will be enormous. We must bring the concerns back to the community and work together with our government administration agencies.

How Many More Catastrophes Does it Take for our People to Pay Closer Interest to our Changing Times?

What will it take for citizens to truly unite? As we look deeply into our hearts, the division between race, culture and class must cease. None of this is matters in a disaster condition and perhaps is evidence for us to begin a new point of view and new set values more in tune with our changing times. For too long, our culture has placed a spotlight on false morals in directions that will not work any longer. Can we now open our hearts to what's truly important?

A citation from Marlow Morgan's book says it all. Many ancient cultures have expressed similar concerns but most people have ignored the wisdom.

"Hello Divine Oneness. We stand here before you with a Mutant. We have traveled with her and know that she has within herself yet a flame of your excellence. We have felt her and altered her, but making over a Mutant is a very complex undertaking. Mutants have a bit in their life called gravy. They know truth, but it is obscured under thickening and spices of convenience, greediness, uncertainty and dread. They also have something in their lives called frosting. It seems to be a symbol of how they spend almost all the seconds of their reality in doing shallow, synthetic, fleeting, pleasurable sampling, pleasing, appearing ventures and spend very few actual small moments of their lives evolving their eternal existence.

We have selected this Mutant, and we liberate her as a bird from the rim of the nest, to take wing, far and high, and to shriek like the kookaburra, informing listeners that we are departing from this earth.

We do not evaluate the Mutants. We pray for them and let loose of them as we pray and release ourselves. We pray they will look strongly at their dealings, at their principles, and learn before it is too late that all life is one. We pray they will stop the ruin of the earth and of each other.

We pray there are enough Mutants on the threshold of becoming sincere to change things. We also pray the Mutant world will hear and accept our communication/courier."

For information regarding products that can sterilize water:

For information regarding long term food storage:

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