Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Packing a First Aid Kit

When packing a first aid kit, there are always some simple things that must be included. It is my intention to briefly touch on some of these items here, and to give a little explanation of each so you are better informed.

First pack some band-aids and some bigger bandages. In certain cases it is highly important to stop blood from flowing out of the body. More commonly, you will just need to protect a wound from infection.

In order to clean up a wound, you must have some sort of antibiotic ointment or cream. Flush the cut, get all the junk out, and then apply your antibiotic which you have packed in your first aid kit. Only after this point will you turn to the bandages that we have previously spoken of.

If you take prescription medications do not forget to pack them in your kit as well. I know that if you get to where you're going and realize that you forgot your meds, you will probably tell yourself, "Oh, I can get away without taking them for a couple of days." This more than anything else is most likely to get you in trouble.

The last thing I'd suggest packing is a recent addition to people's first aid kits: bring a cell phone. You probably won't literally stick this in with the other medical supplies, but I don't know of any other invention of the last fifty years which has probably saved more lives than mobile phones. If you get in trouble this is a life saver.

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